Programming cannot grow and learn unless the next generation of programmers has access to the knowledge and information gathered by other programmers before them. —Erik Naggum
'the differences between spoken word, and contrasting back & forth w/ cadence' "so, like a drumline, or marching percussion. there has to be a driving tempo, one forward - lagging behind is your death well, maybe not *yours*, but... everyone else gets mad at you, for lagging. for longing,,, so, pick it up. if one fails, we all as metrics, as well - fail? are you a metric? am i? --my data is sold as such ---my world is sold as such 'i want to sell myself, as such' my body maybe better, a headspace one... that is still, elusive ! better free better, free -alice xoxoxo
‘narration is important these days, i think about how special spoken-ness is…
to the person who hates whatever tones force out of a thorax, the point of air, dispelling forward, out from cavities - to make melody, to art, for you,
for us all then, and in the world, there’s no upset time
nothing moves…
it slogs, slow grinding every last gear i never knew could have worn so far out - stripped like a bolt on that desk i built,
back in a house, there’s no return towards.
back to it all, i want to go,
where to?’