i got up again, in the way you do after rest. w/ sword in hand, readied and all.
calculations of the next tax, a new bill, - another loan to a god
betwixt, familiars, a solace of some sort. still no, god.
i wonder if there's a response to it that suits an insatiable desire. i worry then, in that cross-over, of man to god. we become whole. the whole of our righteousness, to take, to then receive --- idhoperesolve the mighty draw blood, i do too, just give it out, the mighty draw blood, and thou shall not scream, now the mighty, still may - draw blood but they nought take a slice of my wholeness for i am god, to man, back interwoven in ways i see no use explaining sometimes the instiable desire, the one that, growing up & the lack of hunger shows you. the lack of hunger, shows, you
and a song for the road:
if it means something, no it does not
-find a corner, make a home, then…sit in it
— seek&find