There’s a lot to always be said about this time of the ‘new’ years. Here in D.C. - it is the definition of liminal. In this way…all the feds are gone!!! The museums are rather desolate, but still... filled right to the brim w/ their statue. Historical, just for a moment to have none of the chatter. The military families have some reprieve in their warm homes - they earned it. And sometimes I don’t know if it’s worth for me to even have one, if home I have…I worry a body would decay there. There’s something to be said about the power of your environment, the way in which you can even control it. The way you may mold it, to your liking, to your desire - much as God! And you may be, very well so. But if that’s the case, the path…the blade, your dagger. I plead for it these days. For their are no martyrs, just… Just inclinations you found acclimation towards. Your days get better as do I Go next, And all the love in the world to go alongside.
Catch ya around?
I am.