while 2 minutes drown fast.. it's the first day of the rest of my life - who else to thank...other than me.
Sure is.
Hey there!
All of you have followed this here, muse of mine!! In this Substack, for a while now!! I would like to imagine you hit a button to allow me to contact you, like this...for a reason.
7 years ago, I started a musical project named 'atimetowait' - I would like to all, would love to be let into those worlds.
7 years ago, as well!! I also begun a spiral into...what would happen to a 17 year old
who was denied access to Children's Hospital care.
I sought treatment instead - answers later.
7 years of chemo/immunosuppresant adjacent therapies. Seven. Years...every 9 weeks.
There are no cures, for these things.
At the moment - there's no malignancy in my venous blood, nor tumors on my body either - thankfully.
These genetic dispositions in which, all these stem from…they activate eventually. And they sure have over the past 9 months.
And what started as - a missed stroke, disguised as anxiety,
Went into what you would expect from a stroke - dissociative amnesia.
That may have lingered for some time now.
I fear it will always be around these days too, and it's more of a reason to...write, to document...and to live.
"maybe i can make a lot of songs still, too."
"With the intent of, not stopping, with the intent of - there is only a feeling of, 'better' - to chase.
For the past 7 years, I've done just that...chased a feeling.
"I want to grab it,
i want to reach so high for a...preferably, fading star - SOMEONE OF, I.
One so faded… you must nurture! You must must allow it to then,
Change the world?
i sure hope....
please check in,
as i am around -
@performingwithprose on instagram
@atimetowait on twitter public
/atimewaiting there too, privately...shoot a request on over, best place to understand 'me' - deep - if business needs awoken
\and when one/////////////
/////////////anyone - needs an ear?
pass it along.////////////// - is a line too as me, for whomever!
share it all around too.
I trust you to do it w/ intent.
to someone who prays for 'more'
to someone, you may see my words in another.
i - myself!!
would appreciate that, love.
'there's so much love left to love'
So from my heart, to yours...thank you.
We go next? - I sure hope.
Find you around!!!
& no strangers w/ it!!!!