“and then i danced the night away, just how we always talked about. there was a window open, a dog down the street w/ her owner - they ran back home after.
i saw a dream downstairs, in between a kin. and water that was far too high, to tread anymore.
i watched the stars go in and out of their atonal-ness - it’s dark at first. pay attention and even those polluted ones, shine.”
is it a curse to fear a god? i would think.
gods are what keep us here. i’m worried of what a statue, they hold.
they exist for ideals, for your neighbors to hold onto, words for your family to parse it all, you - a bit easier.
so what of the prose? the style? the incessant murmur of this ache i have? it never fades, much like the stars
much like the sky
the sun
the world
if nothing ever happens, would i must stand still, forever?
if nothing ever happens, all would be for nought.
if nothing ever happens,
if nothiing ever happens…
and if nothing were to ever happen. i’m afraid, i’d still be me.
all this same
-alice eliza