An unplanned anniversary - the long friend I forgot about
I've never quite gotten anniversaries perfect. Dates, maybe the planning of an event too. Scares me. Also, i'm just bad at it!!
But, I somehow ‘happened’ to check the date of honestly, a long, hard memory. The first time of being able to publish something I was proud of. Somehow, I still am! Maybe just in that I have never stopped doing just that, being proud of the art - Me.
I hope words are art to others? I know to certain people, they mean nothing. Maybe out of ignorance, or bliss to not be caught up on every comma. Only my own catch me up, at least.
How do you project words when everyone has the limit of them, too?
Seven years ago, was the first time I ever felt I could be proud of something, so close to me.
Words and sounds!!
So I made an album with just that, it was from when I was 17. It didn't go much of anywhere, but for the only reason of ‘committing’ to it - the art, at least.
It took me further than I could have ever hoped to think.
I didn't know what I was doing then, and I still don't know even now? But somehow, 17 year old me knew what was right. Or just parrotted the terms I had passed down on me from years of, inspiring people to look up to.
Cheers to seven years of making ugly art, and I can't wait to get to make more. Love,